Business & Professional Consulting Nationwide
We are an independent business consulting firm specializing in the areas of recruiting and staffing highly skilled accounting, finance, and technology professionals. Since 2002, we’ve built a reputation on attracting exceptional quality candidates and our distinct ability to deliver results. Our mission is to align our objectives with both clients and candidates to ensure an accurate and timely experience.

Expert support with amazing results
With a staff of professionals averaging more than 15 years of industry recruiting and staffing experience, we have been able to position our recruiting scope primarily on the energy, manufacturing, healthcare, and professional services sector. As a result, we have established and maintained deep and diverse relationships where are currently top Tier 1 suppliers for several Fortune 500 corporations.
We Can Help...
Our specialized staffing solution provides experienced accounting, finance and technical professionals to lead or assist on special projects, consult on complex issues, and to supplement your strategic staffing initiatives